One of my KRs for 2020 is ‘Master customer accounting and build models for Churn, LTV and unit economics’

As part of it I am planning to read the following:

Beginner reads:

Unit Economics

23 SaaS metrics for fundraising + optimization

A Detailed Look at Blue Apron’s Challenging Unit Economics

Thread on Blue Apron and what Subscription businesses should learn from its implosion

Intermediate reads:

SaaS Metrics 2.0 – A Guide to Measuring and Improving what Matters

Amazon Prime and other Subscription Businesses: How do you Value a Subscriber?

All Revenue is not created equal

Dangerous seduction of LTV

Hard reads (you need good understanding of data):

Your LTV math is wrong

What’s your TRUE customer lifetime value (LTV)?

Everyone Poops and has Customer Churn

Why is Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) like a Belly Button?

A Half-Dozen Ways to Look at the Unit Economics of a Business

Diligence at Social Capital

I will add more links to this blogpost as I read more on this topic.