OKR 2020 1 OKR 2020 2 OKR 2020 3 OKR 2020 4

My personal OKRs remain more or less the same throughout the year. You can compare these with the OKRs I had set in January 2020.

Disclaimer: Partially done is more of a red than green. I use various shades of yellow or red for that. But I had trouble changing cell colors on Google sheets for some reason. So it is not as green as it looks. I also did not add all the fuckups of 2020. You can do a more detailed review of 2020 and also plan for 2021 by following these resources: How to Conduct an Annual Life Review That Will Catapult You into the New Year, How to Plan Your Ideal Year, My new years resolution framework and Annual review for 2020.