I have been addicted to various things over my lifetime. I get obsessed with something and then do it to a point where I get sick of it, and then turn cold turkey.

  • 4PM maggi. Did this for months when I was in college. Till I could not stand the sight of maggi.
  • Anda pao for lunch at the nearby tapri when I was in college. Did this for months before I got sick of it. Then I moved to cheese omlette and pao.
  • DC++. I was an admin and spent most of my free time there. Facebook was banned in college and it was the social network for us.
  • Tamatar news. People in my college knew me mostly for this satire blog that I used to run. Like most things in life, I spent a lot of time on it before I got bored and moved on to the next thing I could obsess over.
  • Fifa. I skipped all my classes when I was in the 2nd semester of college. I played Fifa every night till early morning. I was probably one of the best players in college. Then I got involved in college politics and it became the next all consuming thing.
  • College politics. For some reason I got sucked into this. Ran one Hostel election. Won. Then tried helping my friend become President. Lost. Gave up on politics after that.
  • Poptates Sizzler. I used to go there every week when I was in Mumbai.
  • Quora. Post college I moved to Hyderabad. I did not have much to do. New city. Missed my college friends. So I started writing there. Did it non stop for a year. Was the top 50 most followed Indians on Quora. This was Quora before Quora became ‘show the first photo on your phone’ Quora.
  • Poker. I have had phases where Poker became my 2nd job. I spent 3 months in the beginning of this year playing Poker almost every night post work. 5-6 hour sessions. Then I got burned out and stopped. Now I play in person with friends. Not every day, but occasional weekends.
  • Travel blog. Ran it for a year in parallel to writing Quora answers. Stopped when the focus became finding things to write about during travel rather than experiencing the travel part.
  • Music blog. Started doing this on DC++ first when I was in college. Also ran it for almost 2 years on Quora.
  • Twitter. The thing I have found the hardest to get rid of. I have tried a lot.
  • Bloging. I actually enjoy blogging. I don’t have any analytics on my blog. I don’t have a reply section. So I can just post whatever I am thinking about. Like I am doing here. I have actively avoided even letting people subscribe to this blog so that I can write in peace without worry about subscribers count. Anything that becomes a metric loses its joy for me.