Every newsletter and podcast this week: I know the issue in Ukraine is serious, my second cousin’s friend’s startup has a developer who lives there, but we obviously can’t not talk about the 2 ways to build your startup’s brand strategy and that is why we are here.

Subtext: We understand the optics. Please don’t cancel us.

The disclaimers on social media have gone longer over time. I remember when Ali Abdaal had to explain for 20 mins in a hour long video about why he does not mean to flex his income and his yearly income video should be taken in the right spirit: a creator inspiring his audience.

When people realised that income videos work well on YT, everyone started doing it. But posting income is not cool. Might be seen as flex during covid times. So everyone’s disclaimer became longer.

Remember someone’s tweet that went something like “you can realise that someone has spent too much time on social media when they have to add nuance and context on every statement because they don’t want to get QTed and dunked upon, and worst of all: cancelled.”

The disclaimers are as useful as the ‘accept cookies’ pop ups that have plagued the internet thanks to EU’s policies.

Disclaimers act as a hedge. Protects the downside of someone cancelling you. But adds no value to the reader/viewer.

Like am I not going to listen to a podcast because the hosts did not talk about Ukraine for the first 5 mins?

I have come to take my mind off the real things in life and listen to 3 shit posters banter. You don’t need to signal. It is fine. I won’t hold it against you.