I really envy people who can spend days perfecting a blog post. For me, I just do a thought dump on Twatter. Takes less than 20 minutes. And then edit the content and post it here. So my output is very high, but there are very few posts that feel like a master class.

For example, I’m now thinking about doing a post on how to get better at design.

Take the price estimate screen on Uber. Why does it look like that. What are the trade-offs on that screen? I would love to share some of the design principles. And share more ideas on how you as a PM can improve your design skills. But I am not sure if I should do the same thought dump stype post and get it out quickly, or if I should do a session and walk people through how they should be thinking about this. Or maybe just invest a day in writing a super-long, in-depth piece.

At first I was going to write a super long post about Zepto Pass and that turned out to be a thought dump as well. I just could not sit and spend hours writing and then editing that piece.

I guess for me I would rather write more than try to come up with my version of a perfect post.