Jira sucks. Jira is a way for large companies to create unnecessary processes and jobs. Linear is the future. They even have a manifesto.

Relying on traditional news outlets to get your news out was the old way of PR. The new way is to go direct. There is a manifesto on going direct.

SAAS sucks. Why pay for the same software every year. ONCE is better.

Uber had left the region. Merged with the dominat player. The dominant player soon devalued their loyalty points. A great time for a new player to come with a David versus Goliath narrative.

Apple & Google have too much power. Why not launch a Bharat first App Store that is not controlled by these two.

A great way to launch a new product is through counter positioning.

Counter positioning has to educate people on why the old way of doing things sucks, and they have to follow the new way.

And a company that is relying on counterpositioning has to answer the other question: WHY NOW? Best time to counterposition is when there is a growing negative sentiment against the incumbent/the current way of doing things.

I am suprised that Sketch has not used the narrative of Figma is becoming the new Adobe (with how they have handled drafts) and tried to be more aggressive when it comes to getting designers to move to Sketch.

Even Adobe is now battling the Adobe is stealing the work of creatives (with their new contract update). This is Sketch’s chance to shine after years of Figma stealing their lunch.

Why are we not seeing the Sketch CEO capitalising on this Narayana* given opportunity?

*Narayana is God. Narayen is also the CEO of Adobe. Yes, I am proud of myself.