Not even a controversial one, I think. There is no upside to trolling people on Twitter. If you’re someone who trolls people for fun, most people won’t work with you. I have seen people get opportunities by being replyguys to successful people. By sharing their work. Not by posting salty replies to tweets. Not by posting hot takes. There are a lot of impressionable people here. They see their favourite accounts, including Elon, picking fights and think they should do the same. You are not Elon. Let’s say you’re an anon account. At best, you grow your account through rage baiting. Being part of mobs. Trying to cancel people, dunking on them. Subtweeting others. Eventually, when you get outed or out yourself, people will remember your older posts.

I am no saint. I thought it was funny to turn my account into a semi-anonymous account called maval and post shit for fun for months. Yeah, the jokes were funny. I got a lot of laughs. And likes. But eventually I felt empty. While Naval was living his best life, I was just some midwit shitposting on Twatter. And of course, I must have attracted the very followers I hate. Low key haters. So I wrote The Tragedy of the Midwives to remind myself of my place. And I stopped. Rage baiting is the way to grow your account. Being part of a mob can be fun. Tribes form easily on Twitter. You are in a group. You hate today’s main character. But there is no upside. Just the temporary feeling of feeling better about yourself. I have been in Twatter fights. I have got into subtweeting matches. Never felt good afterwards. So yeah, take it as you will. Saw a couple of Sahil Bloom dunks today. Yes, he can be pretentious. And he might be a course seller. But he has a lovely family. Runs sub-3 marathons. And is financially independent. Even if you hate some aspects of his personality, there is no point dunking on him. Yes, it will give you likes. Nothing more. You will live your life. He will live his. Thanks to mimesis, we all feel equal. There is no more Celebristan. Only Freshministan. It is very easy to dunk on Cred’s business model because you can be in the reply section of a Kunal Shah tweet. It is easy to dunk on Sequoa because they have invested in FTX. But while the CEO of Seq Cap is probably making 100 million and sitting with heads of state, you are probably some unemployed student with an Anon account.

I know the hypocrisy of this note considering I literally dunked on Elon for hiding likes a few days ago. But I try to keep a very low subtweet/dunk ratio for what I post on Twatter. And I hope you do the same.