I have been using advanced voice AI a lot lately. Like everyone else, I am fascinated by how natural the conversations feel. But there is this weird UX problem that keeps bothering me.

You are having this deep conversation with the AI about some problem you are trying to solve. The AI gives you a bunch of steps or recommendations. Now you want those steps in text form because who wants to listen to a 5-minute-long response again and again?

Your only option? Exit the voice chat, go to regular chat, and ask the same question again. But wait, you were in the middle of brainstorming something. Now you have to start a new conversation. Explain the whole context again.

It’s like talking to someone who has the memory of a goldfish. “Hey, remember that thing we were discussing?” “Nope, who are you?”

I mean the Advanced Voice is really cool for chatting, but it kind of misses the mark when you actually need it to be, you know, useful. It’s more like a conversation buddy than an assistant.

I feel the ideal product would let you switch between voice and text seamlessly. Having a conversation but need something written down? Just ask for it in text. Want to continue the discussion? Pick up right where you left off.

The real dream is having an AI that can actually execute those steps for you. But for now, I would be happy with an assistant that does not force me to choose between voice and text. Add web search to this and we might actually have something interesting. Which I am guessing is coming soon anyway.

The more I think about it, this could even be a separate product. An AI that lets you have natural conversations but also sends you text when needed. Like that friend who follows up your deep discussion with bullet points on WhatsApp.

P.S. Every time I write about AI products, I wonder if six months from now this post will look silly because someone has already built this. But hey, that’s the fun part about writing about tech, right? Everything becomes outdated so fast.