How to be strategic
‘Hey Manas, You are not there yet when it comes to strategy. You can get things done, but you need to develop your strategy skills.’ This is a feedback I got repeatedly from one of my past managers.
For a long time in my career, I had this reputation of someone who is a terrific execution guy - who gets shit done, but does not think long term/strategically. As I wanted to grow into a more senior role, I naturally decided to learn the mysterious strategic skills that was holding me back.
I read like a dozen books and hundreds of posts on competitive strategy. Not an exaggeration. I literally read a dozen books.
Now I could draw flywheels and do 7 powers analysis in my sleep. Was it enough?
Nope. Because what people don’t tell you is when they talk about strategy in middle management they don’t actually mean strategy in a pure sense.
What they really want you to do is:
- Have a charter document with the vision and mission for your team.
- Know if you are on the right path while executing on your vision; know your north star
- Know your stakeholders and their objectives
- Identify the key dimensions
- Have a prioritized backlog
- Know the key themes across which your key backlog items can be grouped
- Set medium-term goals; plan your OKRs
- Set short term goals; plan your sprints
- Create a feedback loop through regular retrospectives
- Set up a process to collect insights from Research and Busines Intelligence
- Write a pitch doc for your big projects
- Specs for your projects with a clear why, what and how
- Learnings post MVP launch should dictate what does in the subsequent versions
- A GTM doc if you are launching a completely new product or a business line
- Business equation
- Send monthly update to align and update your stakeholders
You will find dozens of these process documents here: How to run a product team
Trust me, I have never seen anyone do 7 powers analysis or draw Porter’s 5 forces diagram in any of the company I have worked at.
Just do all the things I mentioned above. That’s it. Now you are someone who is strategic.