Create simple systems
I have a lot of simple systems that helps me save time. For example, I have followed the same systems to write my performance reviews over the last few years. What do I do?
- I have a standard format where I just dump data points on impact. All the updates around impact of my projects are already captured on Slack. All I need to do is save them.
- I have a brag doc that I maintain as an email thread. I keep sending mails to that thread with screenshots of messages that highlight my impact, at work or personal life. You don’t need an elaborate brag doc system. Email will do. Or a simple Google doc.
- I have set expectations with my manager on the following things: my impact(captured through KRs), Feedback from others (360* + my own brag doc), where I map to my company’s career levels, and my long term learnings/growth (based on my manager’s feedback, I keep this decoupled from my current role).
- Regular 1-1s so that I don’t get last minute surprises.
- I take just a few hours to write my performance review because of these systems. I wrote feedback for 14 people in last cycle. I could only do it on time because I have a template for that too.
- Use these systems and you will never have to worry about performance reviews season.
- Creating systems can also save you a lot of time that you can use to shitpost on Twitter like me.
Related read: Learn to do high leverage activities well